Basalt Lowlands - Site 1

Located around a small, isolated knob of basalt in a grassy plateau, this site exhibits half a dozen petroglyph panels of fairly simple design. Several small boulders scattered throughout the area have been used as milling slicks (seed grinding surfaces). A small concentration of obsidian debris, the result of flintknappers shaping and maintaining flaked stone tools, is a short distance away. A large, corner-notched projectile point was also found among the debris. This style of projectile point (known as Elko series) was made prior to 1500 years ago, before the introduction of the bow and arrow. It was used to tip a long, heavy dart, and used with a weapon known as an atlatl, or spear-thrower. If we conclude that the flintknappers who made this projectile point also created the petroglyphs, then it follows that these abstract designs are more than 1500 years old.

Each panel contains between one and three elements, and all of them are abstract designs. Collectively they include five simple circular designs, one plus-sign, and a single clustered circle design.

The site map below shows the location of rock art panels as yellow dots. Click on any of the dots to see a photo of the panel at that location.